A life of creation

This has been the year of radical reconfiguration of my mindset. Of what I thought I was, of what I thought my life was. In this year I have lived many and after all of it I have understood what I believe is my ultimate truth to living a good life. It's not about having money or position or prestige, least of all in a corporate setting.

Its not about being able to "consume" a lot of things - be they tangible items (such as eating food) or intangible experiences (like watching movies or driving expensive cars) - often our society considers those who have the wherewithal to consume as "successes", but I don't think that's it. In fact, consumption, while providing us momentary happiness actually leaves us hungry for more (and then miserable and sad if we're unable to consume again).

I don't think a life primarily focused on consumption can be a life of satisfaction. Focus too much on consumption and that's all we'll end up chasing - and we see this, right? How people chase the next designation, the next phone, the next pay grade. I've done that myself too, day after day, and I don't remember being particularly happy save for the few moments the chase leads to the reward, but then soon we're back on the treadmill.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying consumption is wrong, I know that its an integral part of growing as human beings. But I think the place consumption occupies in our lives, as an end in itself, is unsustainable. In the long term, we cannot chase things to consume because consumption often lasts only for a short period of time before we're back on the chase. If this were a ratio then I think the chase : consumption ratio is probably 9:1, not a really great payoff honestly. Even if you're really stoked about the reward and feel it really will be the ultimate thing that you need in your life, it does get old pretty fast - believe me as I say this from experience.

You know where I am going with this, we have to enjoy the chase, there is no other way, else we're just wasting our time.

I now feel know that consumption done in the service of creation is sustainable. We must first look at what do we wish to create, and then tailor our consumption such that it serves our creation.

The source to ultimate happiness and contentment in life is meaningful creation

Creation of the sort that it fills us up with energy, that we feel is a good use of our time.

If we engage in any other act of creation (that is, creation in service of consumption) then it only gives us short term pleasures - We either start chasing the reward (and forget about the work) or start feeling that we are wasting our time (regret).

To create, to propagate yourself; in a book, an app, a business, a piece of music, a song, a newspaper article, in a repaired faucet, in a grocery errand, a work of art, an act of kindness - anything that you feel is "worth it".

To become immortalized in THAT moment of time for having made an indelible mark that will forever remain THERE and what no one can undo, that will remain in your name for eternity for having been created by you at that moment, for having originated from you, for having existed because you did.

To leave all of these marks, all of these “I was here” writings on the wall, to be remembered much beyond when you cease, to have your fingerprints all over a few fleeting moments in time so that when there is reckoning to be done as to who made use of the opportunity to do so your name is called out.

To create something that was not there before, honestly and to the best of your ability, that you think can be useful with only a hope but never the expectation that it will.

Where the chase is the reward for you, for being given the privilege and opportunity to be a creator. 

I truly believe this is the key to a life well lived, a golden mean that we should aspire to achieve.

And all forces, inside us and outside, that prevent us from creating, we must overcome them.


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