The key to long term impact

I wanted to call this post “The key to long term success” but consistency is a double edged sword. Stop benchmarking your performance with that of others, instead benchmark with yourself as you were yesterday.

No matter where you are and no matter the situation you're in, if you want to make an impact then look at your performance as it is now and improve on it tomorrow, it doesn't matter by how much you improve, just make sure it is greater than zero and the power of compounding will do the rest. Do this everyday, consistently, and you will make an impact, guaranteed.

The key to long term impact is consistency

So why don’t we see massive impact making people all around us? Because it's not failure that stops us, but that many stop at their first failure.

Of course, your judgement will come in doing the right thing (defining the right thing is tough but we have a general idea: give to charity, be responsible, take care of your body, be kind and loving, be respectful etc.).

Do the right thing consistently and you will make a positive impact (a.k.a. success), do the wrong thing consistently and you will make a negative impact (a.k.a. failure)

Anyway, want to make a big impact? Just make small, even tiny, impacts every day. Be a little bit better than you were yesterday. That is it, no big scheme, no secret formula, just plain and simple consistency.


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