Old age sucks, act as if it's around the corner

There is little doubt that as I grow older, I will gravitate more towards spirituality and religion. I think reading specific books does this to you; worldly matters seem so small against the larger question of existence and meaning of life.

There is a part in the Mahabharata when the Pandava’s were roaming around in the jungle (don’t recall how they got there in the first place), there they find a lake which is occupied by a creature called the Yaksha, the Yaksha tells them they can drink water from the lake only if they answer correctly it's questions. Long story short, the Yaksha asks many questions to Yudhisthir, one of which has stuck with me ever since I read it. Paraphrasing:
Yaksha: What is the greatest wonder?
Yudhisthir: Day after day countless people die. Yet the living go on as if immortal. O Lord, what can be a greater wonder?
I think this is truly the greatest wonder and a habit that we form at our own peril. It is because of this that we pick fights with people, that we get angry at others, that we hang on to our ego, that we love to hoard and buy more things, that we do not say what should be said. All because we think of ourselves as immortals among mortals. We seem to deny death.

Unfortunately, our biological rulebook is not designed in such a way, our cells seem to be programmed to have an expiry date. Forget biology, the second law of thermodynamics makes sure that change is the only constant and nothing can remain forever static. And therefore, I too, will get old, and like all my friends, like my loved ones, will die. And the arrow of time will keep marching forward endlessly.

I want to internalize this, to remember this every day and at every moment. I think it will hold me in good stead throughout my life, it may be the ultimate tool to prioritize and declutter and should guide me in the right direction. My time is your real wealth, I need to choose very carefully what and whom I spend it on.


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